Happy Monday to all! ♥
Today, I’m delighted to share my review for Words We Carry: Essays of Obsession and Self-Esteem by D.G. Kaye.
D.G. Kaye
D.G. Kaye was born and resides in Toronto, Canada. She is the author of Conflicted Hearts – A Daughter’s Quest for Solace From Emotional Guilt, Meno-What? – A Memoir, Words We Carry, Have Bags, Will Travel, P.S. I Forgive You, and her newest release – Twenty Years: After “I Do”. Kaye is a nonfiction/memoir writer and writes about her life experiences, matters of the heart and women’s issues.
Kaye writes to inspire others. Her writing encompasses stories taken from events she encountered in her own life, and the lessons that were taken from them. Her sunny outlook on life developed from learning to overcomes some of the many obstacles that challenged her. From an emotionally neglected childhood, to growing up with a narcissistic mother, leaving her with a severely deflated self-esteem, D.G. began seeking a path to rise above her issues. When she isn’t writing intimate memoirs, Kaye brings her natural sense of humor into her other works.
D.G. began writing when pen and paper became tools to express her pent-up emotions during a turbulent childhood. Her writing began as notes and cards she wrote for the people she loved and admired when she was afraid to use her voice.
Through the years, Kaye journaled about life, writing about her opinions on people and events and later began writing poetry and health articles for a Canadian magazine as her interest grew in natural healthcare. Kaye became interested in natural healing and remedies after encountering a few serious health issues. Against many odds, D.G. has overcome adversity several times throughout her life.
D.G. began writing books to share her stories and inspiration. Her compassion and life experiences inspire her to write from the heart. She looks for the good and the positive in everything, and believes in paying it forward.
“For every kindness, there should be kindness in return, Wouldn’t that just make the world right?”
D.G.’s Favourite Saying: “Live. Laugh. Love …and don’t forget to breathe!”
When D.G. is not writing, she’s reading. Her favourite genres of reading are: biographies, memoirs, writing and natural health. Kaye loves to read about people who overcome adversity, victories and redemption and believes we have to keep learning–there is always room for improvement! She loves to cook, travel, and play poker (when she gets the chance).
My Review
D.G. Kaye not only shares her very personal journey to self-worth, she does so with an enlightened, grateful heart.
As a writer, I have immense respect for fellow writers who share their personal journeys and challenges with the sole intent to help ease the burdens of others. In Words We Carry: Essays of Obsession and Self-Esteem, Author D.G. Kaye not only shares her very personal journey to self-worth, she does so with an enlightened, grateful heart. Personally, I loved Kaye’s candid, engaging, and often times humourous writing style. This is an incredibly personal read and one that offers guided hope and encourages self-reflection.
Our lives are shaped by our experiences; every encounter, every moment holds the capacity to build us or break us. Our resiliency to endure and overcome, in large part, correlates with how we see ourselves, how we value our self-worth. Kaye doesn’t profess to be an expert on this topic; the value of this book lies in the authentic approach in which she shares her personal journey. Our self-esteem and personal acceptance are intrinsic to a life of fulfillment, a life of joy. Our ability to celebrate our unique qualities and embrace our imperfections is not a simple endeavour, but it is possible. Amazing things transpire from this inner peace, and this memoir is a testament to that truth. Kaye brilliantly shares her journey to self-love, her tenacious spirit shines bright, her words are an offering of hope for those who may be struggling to chart their own course. Her approach is genuine, her encouragement sincere. She is in your corner! A highly recommended high-star read!
You can connect with D.G. via social media and her author and blog pages:
Twitter – @pokercubster
To read other works by D.G. you can visit her website or Amazon Author page.
Thanks so much for stopping by today. Happy reading!
A well written and insightful review, Natalie. Cheers to D. G. Kaye on such a great achievement with her book. It sounds most inspiring!
Thank you, Mae! This is an inspiring read for sure. Wishing you a lovely Monday! 🙂
This is such a poetic review of D.G.’s book. Natalie, you have used so many beautiful and rightful adjectives to describe her writing, especially her grateful heart and her tenacious spirit which shines through in this book but in all of her books.
Debby, there is much here for you to site on the cover of your books! Natalie has done a wonderful job of reaching the heart of what you are all about. Bravo to both of you. <3
Thank you, Carol, for such kind words. Debby’s spirit shines bright and truly engages readers. I’m delighted that this shows well in the review. Thanks so much for sharing. Cheers! 🙂
Hi Natalie,
What a beautiful review of D.G. Kaye’s book.
May I point out the two slips in the review where you referred to Kaye as Daye.
Have a wonderful week,
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Oh my gosh…THANK YOU for catching that, Carol! I’m heading over to Amazon and Goodreads to fix as well. Thank you!
A really lovely review of Debby’s book, Natalie.
Thank you, Robbie! 🙂
This is a great review and I have added it my Kindle. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful to hear, D.L.! I’m sure you will enjoy it. Thanks so much for stopping by today! XO
Lovely review Natalie and yes! your poetic style shines through it. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Balroop! XO
I have to read this soon! Thanks for the great recommend 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Jacquie! I really enjoyed Debby’s writing style. Happy reading! 🙂
Wow Natalie. I am truly touched and humbled by your most lovely review of my book. As you know, all an author dreams of is to reach and touch a reader with her words. I know how your words reach people’s souls and I am elated that you took so much from my stories. <3 Thank you so much! 🙂 xxx
It’s with joy and gratitude, Debby! Thank YOU for sharing your journey. I’m sure you’ve touched many hearts. XO
PS. I don’t leave the house without lipstick either! 🙂
Lolllllllllllllll, thanks Natalie. 🙂 xxx
An insightful and heartfelt review, Natalie. Reviews like this are a thrill to receive. It’s clear how much Deb’s book moved you, and this in turn will attract potential readers. Well-written and well-done ❤
Thank you, Tina. Your words warm my heart. XO
Wonderful and poetic review of Kaye’s book ” Words we Carry”. It is beautiful and informative and I am now heading over to see if it is available on Amazon.uk. Hope so.
Thank you
Thank you Delphini. My books most certainly are on Amazon UK. My book links are universal so they should take you directly to the Amazon of your country. 🙂
😊 you are right and I went straight and bought it yesterday. It is next on my reading list.
OH, how lovely. Thank you so much for your interest. I do hope you enjoy it. 🙂
Wonderful to hear, Miriam! Happy reading! 🙂
Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
I will leave you with a terrific review for Words We Carry by D.G. Kaye from Natalie Ducey.. a book that I enjoyed as well.. #recommended
Thanks so much for sharing the love, Sally! XO
A lovely review and precis of Debby’s life and work. What Debby does is so important because there are many people who feel they are are alone – that only they feel trapped like this and they have no one around them who understands.
And then along comes a book by someone who has been through something just like what they are going through, someone who is a survivor and turned their life around and can offer good advice and practical examples. Surely that must be the most wonderful thing in the world.
Only books can do this, because they are not only a pleasure and a solace but also a tool. And when a books speaks to us it reaches right into our soul and changes us forever.
Beautifully said, Paul. I agree wholeheartedly. Thanks so much for stopping by with such kind words. Cheers! 🙂
My pleasure Natalie… and to be honest all credit is really yours and Debby’s. Px
Excellent review!
Thank you, Jennie. It’s lovely to see you here. 🙂
Cheers to Debby for sharing her journey!
My pleasure, Natalie. Yes, definitely cheers to Debby. 🙂
Beautiful review, Natalie, full of heart and personal reflection. Debby must be over the roof. Just lovely. <3
You’re so kind, Diana. Thank you! Cheers to Debby for sharing her inspiring journey. XO
I read Debbie’s book last year and also left a review on Amazon. It is a worthwhile read.https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1ZFBD7E0ZZRQQ/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00OQJGE42
Wonderful to hear, Chuck. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing such kinds words and your review. Cheers! 🙂