Happy Monday to all! AKA Share the love day! ♥
Today, I’m delighted to share my review of The Fall of Lilith (Fantasy Angels Series) by Vashti Quiroz Vega.

Hello! My name is Vashti Quiroz-Vega. I’m a writer of Suspense, Thriller, Fantasy and Horror. I also enjoy mixing in some Humor and Romance into my stories.
From the time I was a young kid, writing has been my passion. I’ve always been a writer I just didn’t know it until much later. For me, it is easier to express my thoughts on paper than with the spoken word. I enjoy making people feel an array of emotions with my writing. I like my audience to laugh one moment, cry the next and clench their jaws after that.
My love of animals and nature are often incorporated in my stories. You’ll read intriguing things about various animals, nature and natural disasters commingled in my character driven novels.
I love to read almost as much as I love to write. Some of my favorite authors are Stephen King, M. Night Shyamalan, Michael Crichton, Anne Rice, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling and Dan Brown.
My Review
Brilliantly written, The Fall of Lilith is a highly recommended epic read!
In The Fall of Lilith, Vashti Quiroz-Vega has crafted a brilliant story with characters rich in diversity, and imagery so vivid the reader is transported to another place and time.
It’s impossible not to feel the tranquility and exquisite beauty of Floraison – Heaven. The descriptive detail is penetrating and offers a divine solace. We are introduced to characters that are celestial, yet relatable to mortal existence. A true testament to the superb character development.
In book one, we witness the beginning of God’s wrath on the fallen angels who choose to defy his commands of compliance and celibacy. Lilith is the mastermind of this uprising and lures the others to rebel in defiance of God’s directive. This rebellion casts friends into foes, allies into enemies. What transpires is a battle that is both riveting and revolting as we witness the primitive nature of survival take hold. The ruins fashioned by greed and loathing and far reaching. The fallen angels are dispelled from the magnificent beauty of Floraison and fall to God’s new creation – Earth.
On Earth, the fallen angels endure hardships in their own distinctive forms. The detail of which is magnificent. In this graphic tale, the author seamlessly traces the origins of creation and the existence and influence of supernatural beings.
Lilith’s fall to earth fuels her desire for vengeance, her quest for revenge is primal. To find and rule the Garden of Eden is her mission, and her ruthlessness knows no boundaries. Her loyalty is to her ego and lust for control.
Will Lilith succeed in her quest? Will she reign over the Garden of Eden?
Brilliantly written, The Fall of Lilith is a highly recommended epic read!
You can connect with Vashti via social media and her author/blog pages:
Twitter – @VashtiQV
To read other works by Vashti you can visit her website or Amazon Author page.
Thanks so much for stopping by today.
Happy reading!
I enjoy this type of story. Looking into it. Thanks for sharing, Natalie. And best wishes to the author!
Thanks for stopping by and for sharing, Staci! The imagery is incredible. Happy Monday!
Happy Monday, Natalie! Thank you.
Thank you for the wishes, Staci!
What a great review! Congrats to Vashti, and thanks for sharing today, Natalie!
Thanks for stopping by, Mae, and for sharing! The imagery in this is incredible. Vashti is an amazing writer, and I’m so glad to discover her writing. Happy Monday!
That’s so wonderful of you to say, Natalie. I can’t thank you enough for reading and reviewing The Fall of Lilith. I appreciate you! <3
It’s with great pleasure, Vashti!
I’m so happy with this review, Mae!
Thank you!
Fantastic review, Natalie. I’ve had this book on my radar for quite some time. I need to move it on up my list.
Jan, I loved it. The story line and imagery are incredible! Thanks so much for dropping by and for sharing.
Happy reading!
Hi Jan! That would be great!
xx Thank you!
Hello Natalie! Thank you for posting your wonderful review of The Fall of Lilith. I am beyond thrilled that you read and enjoyed the book. <3 xx
Vashti, I’m so delighted to share this gem. Your writing is something to celebrate. Bravo to you! XO
Thank you. You made my week.
I loved this book and you did a great job, Natalie.
Thanks, John!
Thank you, John!
Fantastic review, Natalie. One that’s sure to draw in the reader
Hi Tina! It is a wonderful review! I’m excited. Thank you! <3
Thank you, Tina. I loved it. Bravo to Vashti!
<3 xx
Natalie, this is a wonderful and thoughtful review of Vashti’s book …the writing and story sound fantastic! Thank you for sharing!

Hello Annika! It’s lovely to see you here. Natalie wrote an amazing review! I’m so happy. I want to frame it and put it on my wall.
It’s a wonderful feeling when a reader gets it. She definitely got it. <3
Annika, it’s a real gem. Looking forward to book three. Thanks so much for stopping by and for sharing, too!
Thanks, Colleen! So looking forward to book three. Cheers!
I loved Vashti’s book too. Fantastic review for a fantastic book. Well done Vashti. Xxx
Thanks, Marje, for sharing the love! This is a gem for sure. Looking forward to book three! Bravo to Vashti!
I am so grateful for your review and this lovely post, Natalie. You’re wonderful. <3 xx
Vashti, I’m so delighted to be able to share it. It’s a gem. Bravo to you! XO
Thank you very much, Marje! <3 xx
You’re welcome Vashti.
I am sure Vashti is thrilled with this review, Natalie. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this book.
You’re absolutely right, my friend! I’m very happy with this review and post. Natalie’s so cool! Thank you for visiting and commenting, Robbie!
It’s a fabulous story, Robbie. I’m delighted to share the love. So grateful for your visit, and for sharing too. Thank you! Cheers.
Thank you for coming by, Colleen! <3
Always a pleasure. <3
Wonderful review Natalie. and congratulations Vashti.. hugs to you both. ♥
Thank you, Sally! I’m delighted to be able to share the love. Cheers!
<3 xx
Thank you, Sally! <3 Hugs & Kisses <3
Wonderful review, Natalie. We have several favorite authors in common, Vasthti!
Hi Teri! I’m happy to hear that! I’m grateful and happy that Natalie read my book and took the time to write this amazing review.
Thanks, Teri! I loved this book. Bravo to Vashti!
Fab review Natalie. I thoroughly enjoyed this book too. <3
Thanks, Debby! Bravo to Vashti!
Thank you, Debby